Thursday 31 December 2015

Write about the natural disaster experience you had, never had/or wish you'd had.

Whilst i've travelled quite a bit (forty-three countries so far) i've managed to avoid being involved in a natural disaster.  Do I wish i'd been in one?  Well, no - not really.  I suppose we're all interested in finding out how we'd react in such a circumstance but that seems a risky proposition.  What if I find out i'm awful and just run around getting in people's ways and smacking into walls?  Perhaps, just perhaps there won't be a hero inside of me.  Also, a natural disaster of any magnitude isn't only going to affect me so what kind of arse would it make me to inflict that on other just so I could have the experience.  There are enough experiences to be had out there without needing to get mixed up in a disaster.  The name says it all 'disaster'.  They don't tend to end well.  Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

What's the biggest position of power you've ever held? How did it change you?

Never had it.  Never wanted it.  That's it.

This is a writing exercise say more.

No.  There's no need.  Why use more than the necessary amount of words to get the point across?

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Picture a photo from your childhood, one you know well. Narrate the scene around the taking of the that photo, to the best of your memory

I like photography.  I studied it at college in the early nineties and after a big old gap started to take it up again around five years ago (2010).  I think about photography a lot and the different motivations for taking photographs.  This question, I would say, relates to family snaps.  We take these to remember events we may not remember otherwise.  This is a roundabout way of saying that i've no recollection of any photo being taken.  The photo itself is the memory.

Monday 28 December 2015

The dish your mom always cooked that you wish she wouldn't. What did look like, smell like, taste like?

Nothing.  Well, nothing that sticks in my memory.  I can quite imagine that if I didn't like something that it wouldn't get cooked again.  That's how life works, right?  I mean why would anyone cook something that wasn't liked?

Food I did love.  But that's not the question.  Yeah?  Well, I'm at the keyboard not you.

Two things immediately spring to mind.  In chronological order we start with Spudwiches.  They'd been mentioned in the 9th Blue Peter Annual (which came out in 1972).  I think the recipe was pretty much just mashed potato, a later of corned beef, then repeat a few times and throw in the oven.  Good simple food.  I'm sure I had a tonne of it.

Secondly was Sausage Pie.  At secondary school (1983-1988) Tuesday was sausage pie day.  A dish with a base about the size of an adult hand into which were chucked three layers.  Sausage meat, plum tomatoes and mash on top.  It's every bit as lovely as it is simple and in writing this entry we've decided to make one this evening. 

Sunday 27 December 2015

Write a letter to the teacher (or coach) who made a difference in your life, asking him or her for help. What are you asking for? Why?


You won't remember me.  Partly I guess because you died.  I don't recall why or when it happened, other than it was quite a while after i'd left school.  I think you may well have contracted something whilst on holiday.  You died before the web really took off so you don't have an internet footprint of any kind and so I don't have any way to jog my small number of memories.  I suspect you'd have liked the internet.

I digress.  I'm supposed to be asking you for help.  I wonder in all honesty what I could ask.  You taught me English (or at least i'm sure you tried to).  I don't really have any questions to ask about English.  This most definitely isn't because I know it all but simply in this world most things you need to know are at your fingertips.  So, what to ask?

Nothing.  Well, nothing that'd help me.

I would however be interested to know what went through your mind in your last hour.  Did you know it was your last hour?  Did you ever think; "Oh, here it comes."  I wonder what you thought over.  That would be my question.  Not because I need to know, or that it'd be helpful but it would be interesting.  I would hope that if you felt you taught me anything at all then it was to be curious and to ask interesting questions.

For Xmas I got "642 things to write about me".  From today until the book is finished I hope to complete one a day.