Thursday 31 December 2015

Write about the natural disaster experience you had, never had/or wish you'd had.

Whilst i've travelled quite a bit (forty-three countries so far) i've managed to avoid being involved in a natural disaster.  Do I wish i'd been in one?  Well, no - not really.  I suppose we're all interested in finding out how we'd react in such a circumstance but that seems a risky proposition.  What if I find out i'm awful and just run around getting in people's ways and smacking into walls?  Perhaps, just perhaps there won't be a hero inside of me.  Also, a natural disaster of any magnitude isn't only going to affect me so what kind of arse would it make me to inflict that on other just so I could have the experience.  There are enough experiences to be had out there without needing to get mixed up in a disaster.  The name says it all 'disaster'.  They don't tend to end well.  Thanks for the offer, but no thanks.

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