Monday 28 December 2015

The dish your mom always cooked that you wish she wouldn't. What did look like, smell like, taste like?

Nothing.  Well, nothing that sticks in my memory.  I can quite imagine that if I didn't like something that it wouldn't get cooked again.  That's how life works, right?  I mean why would anyone cook something that wasn't liked?

Food I did love.  But that's not the question.  Yeah?  Well, I'm at the keyboard not you.

Two things immediately spring to mind.  In chronological order we start with Spudwiches.  They'd been mentioned in the 9th Blue Peter Annual (which came out in 1972).  I think the recipe was pretty much just mashed potato, a later of corned beef, then repeat a few times and throw in the oven.  Good simple food.  I'm sure I had a tonne of it.

Secondly was Sausage Pie.  At secondary school (1983-1988) Tuesday was sausage pie day.  A dish with a base about the size of an adult hand into which were chucked three layers.  Sausage meat, plum tomatoes and mash on top.  It's every bit as lovely as it is simple and in writing this entry we've decided to make one this evening. 

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